I've been doing some thinking...
... maybe as a way of trying to break out of the math that we all keep doing every day for hours on end, or maybe because you can stop taking history classes, but you can never stop taking history. Or at least something like that--that little piece of prose took a good ten minutes and still didn't turn out right, but I'm not about to erase it all now--the point is that I've done a bunch of thinking about things, and then last night I did a bunch of writing about things, but it was too much to put in one place. I mean, it was long enough that if a friend wrote it, I wouldn't be able to finish it, so I figure it's better to assume your audience has an attention span comparable to your own and break the thing up a bit. (Unlike the last two sentences, which felt a little long, but, again, too much math makes those language skills rusty, hence my panicky return to writing.) Anyway, without further ado, the stuff I was thinking:
I think I’ve come to realize that, really, most of what I’m talking about isn’t funny in the normal sense of the word. I mean, the reverse of what I’m doing would be to laugh about how American students don’t capitalize anything they type on IM or maybe how many Americans have strong feelings about the football teams of colleges which they have never visited or even watched play a complete game on tv or something. It's kind of funny, but may be more coping-mechanism funny for me than hilarious-funny for everyone else.
So, yeah.
ps: as it turns out, even though supposedly interchangeable, "szia" is generally used for salutation, whereas "helo" is a farewell, possibly a little way Hungary subverted its own assimilation of English words
hi sam!
Conical Pendulum, at 10/19/05, 7:43 PM
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