instead of writing for class
I didn't get a migraine today. I also slept in til 1:30. I don't know what the relationship is between the two events, if any.
Monday, I woke up at 7, ran errands/ate breakfast/went to class and then completely blew off the day after about noon. I'm getting a better sense of how much recuperative downtime I need after flurries of activity. The problem is that it needs to change if I'm going to hold down a full-time job. It may just be that everyone around me staying busy makes it easier to withdraw, sleep extra, and make very little of my free time so that I'm under deadline pressure again. I don't really know, I guess... it may just be one of those open questions to be answered next year.
Another one is, will I ever organize the mountains of papers that are important parts of my life? Bills; pay stubs; proofs of birth, insurance, enrollment; certificates of completion; recipes... they're all in stacks on my desk, in piles sliding into cascades of paper in drawers and in my closet, they're in mostly-sorted piles on the floor. I have resolved repeatedly, futilely, that manila foldering and labeling and organizing by date or alphabet will happen soon. Next weekend. Over a break. After I finish this assignment. And there they sit--two or three large boxes worth if I don't get through them by graduation. Personal independence is about knowing how to do things, sure, but it's also about being able to keep track of things.
Monday, I woke up at 7, ran errands/ate breakfast/went to class and then completely blew off the day after about noon. I'm getting a better sense of how much recuperative downtime I need after flurries of activity. The problem is that it needs to change if I'm going to hold down a full-time job. It may just be that everyone around me staying busy makes it easier to withdraw, sleep extra, and make very little of my free time so that I'm under deadline pressure again. I don't really know, I guess... it may just be one of those open questions to be answered next year.
Another one is, will I ever organize the mountains of papers that are important parts of my life? Bills; pay stubs; proofs of birth, insurance, enrollment; certificates of completion; recipes... they're all in stacks on my desk, in piles sliding into cascades of paper in drawers and in my closet, they're in mostly-sorted piles on the floor. I have resolved repeatedly, futilely, that manila foldering and labeling and organizing by date or alphabet will happen soon. Next weekend. Over a break. After I finish this assignment. And there they sit--two or three large boxes worth if I don't get through them by graduation. Personal independence is about knowing how to do things, sure, but it's also about being able to keep track of things.
Anonymous, at 5/12/07, 5:23 AM
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