Eagerly Unanticipated

Thursday, May 01, 2008


After looking at my front page one time too many, I'm sick of the same look I had all the way back on study abroad. Also, I think whatever website I had hosting my free hit counter thingy stopped working. So I said, to heck with it, let's pack this puppy up and try out a new look.

Look! It's like this page, but new!

I was going to announce it earlier, but I was in China last week, and it turns out wordpress doesn't work in China. Not that I ended up writing anything for blogger (anything that got past the Chinese internet censors, lolz), but, you know, it didn't seem right to steer people to something I couldn't myself see.

Anyway, the new page should have imported all my old posts from 2005 to the present, although I don't remember whether it saved the comments or not *cough leave more cough*, and I need to fix the style sheet to clear up the font resizing that seems to happen after the first paragraph of each archived post. But that should happen soon.

I'll keep this domain, maybe to tear the template down and start from scratch, but in the meantime, I just wanted something different that was on a technical level I could deal with. Hope to see the all 4 (or more) current readers make the jump with me!