Tomorrow is now the target date for getting all my writing done, for two reasons:
1. tonight, despite initially planning to stay in, I think I'm going to Festival Walk in Kowloon for more shopping. Oh yes, the shopping here is amazing and I'm loving it and we've been to like three different malls already. Although the impetus for clothes-buying is mostly about lighter fabrics for the insane heat, it's also about getting more Asian fashion-looking clothes to wear around. We've tried to use the rule of thumb "if you don't think you'd feel 100% comfortable wearing it back home, don't buy it", but it's really hard to keep a sense of normalcy surrounded by the people of HK. At least we'll make the effort for the year to look like HK residents.
2. tomorrow is when a "severe tropical storm" is scheduled to hit--my first typhoon! They say it won't be too bad, especially up where we are, but it's headed right for us (according to weather maps), and if it comes within a certain range of HK, it's declared a weather holiday and nobody goes to work. This means we'll be left without food or services, but on the other hand we won't have to go to orientation sessions. The plan as it stands now is apparently to stockpile some movies and just hang out for the day. So I'll have a day off with literally nowhere to go, and plenty of people to write to, things to chronicle, here, in humorous fashion. It's all been a lot of fun so far, with few down moments since that first ill-advised excursion last saturday night. And I'll put up photos (although they're all on facebook already)
1. tonight, despite initially planning to stay in, I think I'm going to Festival Walk in Kowloon for more shopping. Oh yes, the shopping here is amazing and I'm loving it and we've been to like three different malls already. Although the impetus for clothes-buying is mostly about lighter fabrics for the insane heat, it's also about getting more Asian fashion-looking clothes to wear around. We've tried to use the rule of thumb "if you don't think you'd feel 100% comfortable wearing it back home, don't buy it", but it's really hard to keep a sense of normalcy surrounded by the people of HK. At least we'll make the effort for the year to look like HK residents.
2. tomorrow is when a "severe tropical storm" is scheduled to hit--my first typhoon! They say it won't be too bad, especially up where we are, but it's headed right for us (according to weather maps), and if it comes within a certain range of HK, it's declared a weather holiday and nobody goes to work. This means we'll be left without food or services, but on the other hand we won't have to go to orientation sessions. The plan as it stands now is apparently to stockpile some movies and just hang out for the day. So I'll have a day off with literally nowhere to go, and plenty of people to write to, things to chronicle, here, in humorous fashion. It's all been a lot of fun so far, with few down moments since that first ill-advised excursion last saturday night. And I'll put up photos (although they're all on facebook already)
oh my god, i would love to see you sportin some crazy fobbed-out hk fashions, with the crazy colors and the hk hair. haha, hella fobby...
and it's funny that you talk about your first typhoon as an exciting prospect. like, it's like, oooh first date! oooh, first job! oooh, first day of college! oooh, first typhoon! lolz
moar pictures moar pictures!
Vivian, at 8/12/07, 1:43 PM
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